Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The socialization process

It took just about a decade, the first decade of this millennium, to change the way socialization is done. Why did it take only ten years? That's the time that people developed a deeper relationship with their computer and internet, a morbid way of becoming transparent to to stranger with anonymousness and estranged with those who were closer to us. 
Socializing was easier because there wasn't other way and people alway felt the importance of letting other know of they felt through their thoughts and voices. It is a very overrated communication method and because of that it's becoming every day a weaker tool. There is a sort of difficulty in approaching others and engaging in conversation, especially in those countries that are proud to be included in the western world.

There are places where you go and many eyes will lay upon you scrutinizing how you look and how you fit in the context. Others won't even come near you, afraid they'll be judged by others for approaching someone that is not one-of-their-kind. Many will in-fact alienate you because if your different lifestyle that does not match their, with all the stereotypes included.

A lack of physical contact is what's happening lately, also on the job, where the connections are made with quick emails avoiding any possible contact and relationship. Communicating is a hard job for those who like to express them self and those who don't are enjoying their reclusive status-quo believing they are the social elite.

There are now groups of people who are small numbers of friends that become smaller and smaller each year, chipping away those who don't fit the picture anymore. It is a self collapsing social structure. The lack of morality among the people who compose these groups is an interesting example of how the future generations will develop: farther away from culture and reality.

It's the bubble people live in that when popped it will destroy their fictional reality and throw them onto the real world. There  we can see the survival of the fittest, the aftermath of living in a world post bubble.

But I remember the bars and pubs I went across Europe and their noticeable difference in crowd. From Spain to Lithuania I saw how people interact with others and in other languages. Many countries are subject to their own past that reflects upon their today's society. In Ireland you would start talking with a stranger in a pub while drinking a Jameson or a Guinness, in Lithuania you would meet only beautiful girls that are really curious abuot your life and are very sociable.

Maybe there are countries that are not touched by the internet bliss and still enjoy meeting for a coffee and chat without mentioning even once Facebook or without even knowing what's Twitter.

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