Friday, December 3, 2010

Not a girl, but a skeleton

She is the winner, Ann Ward, of the 2010 tv show America's Next Top Model, a program about under-weight girls who struggle under the constant watch of the cameras to win a contest and to be forgotten a few years later. It is the trend of a nation [USA] that idolizes not the real beauty, but the one that can be faked. You have the image of a girl that shows her bones  in a photo shoot that wants to be sexy, but it's just creepy.
The haunted face and her cold eyes are the status of the modelling world where true beauty is to be on the brink of anorexia.
But nobody cares because the drama pivoting around the temporary existence of a bunch of girls fighting each other is priceless: ratings go up, fake-beauty is created, fashion is idolized, profits. You then realize, for a moment, that the fashion world is nothing but a very thin facade that covers everything that needs to be covered. The second picture of Ann shows her true identity with very little make up on. It's a still-frame from her casting video that shows how she's just a normal girl, nothing super, no perfect smile, no perfect eyebrows, no perfect eyes. 

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