Thursday, July 10, 2008

Summer, heat and thirst

My last post was a few days before summer started, before the longest day of the year, in fact the Sun went to sleep later than any other day. 
Like any other summer you know that mosquitoes and heat will be your best friend for almost three months, but what I find incredible and awkward is the constant presence of days where rains and Sun shine alternate on a very frequent basis. Those are days that you rarely see in your life because of strange weather patterns, or more likely due to global warming, because Earth is now warmer due to the green house effect, we can now expect phenomena where the soil will deliver a more powerful vertical force from the ground up, where thunderstorm cloud type can form more easily and more violently. This adds up when you see towards the end of August the weather forecast of tornado valley in the US, more and harsher storms will hit countries like north America and south Asia.
Desert countries like USA and Africa will see their deserts expanding and their vegetation dyeing from the extreme heat of the atmosphere, while somewhere else more energy from a power station is pumped to cool those houses where air conditioning units are working 24/7; and maybe elderly people are on the brink of death because of dehyadration due to an excess summer temperature.

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