Saturday, March 8, 2008

Smarties tv ad

Usually tv ads are enough on the tube, and there's no need to chase them beyond it unless you are like me and go after the soundtrack. Few weeks ago a new Smarties commercial appears on television featuring a series of duets made with a piano, violin or a guitar. It is a simple commercial that doesn't show its products until the last few seconds. It has been a while since an ad like this one made me think positively about the advertising world, especially on television.

The last time an ad was worth watching it was when American Express put out a series of celebrities shorts, featuring Robert De Niro and Kate Winslet. After that only empty and stupid messages were displayed under my eyes.
Yes the Smarties commercial is fun. Probably the only one time I would associate the word "fun" with food, because people shouldn't play with stuff to eat, or consider eating an hobby to take when bored. Food is serious matter, that's why I despise the Doritos ad where the word "fun" is the main theme. Have fun while eating! How do you have fun munching a synthetized potato chip? Oh look I'm having fun with a sourcream chip, because it's fun to play! Pew pew pew, the triangular shaped chip reminds me of the Imperial battleship in Star Wars, pew pew pew lazers!!!

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